US Traveler Insights & trends

Alison Atkinson, Avanti Destinations’ commercial director based in Barcelona

Dia: dimarts 26 de novembre
Horari: de 9.30h a 11h
Lloc: online
Idioma de la sessió: anglès

Introduction to Avanti Destinations
Overview of the US Travel Market
o Spain as a destination
o Tour Operators – B2C & B2B
o Travel Agents
Travel Patterns
o Seasonal Travel
o Types of product and unique experiences
What the market expects
o Service Levels
How to target the US market
o Trade Shows
o How to find the companies to work with.
o Local Destination Management Companies
o Who works with who?
o Standing out from the rest
Opportunities and Challenges with the US market
o Air availability
o Over tourism and the impact

Preu: Gratuït per a membres de clubs de producte del Patronat (*en cas de no assistir sense previ avís mínim de72hores, hi haurà una penalització de 15€+IVA). 40€ no membres.

Observacions: la sessió serà integrament en anglès